We are Indebted to Albert E. Martin and John Edwards of the Research Department of the Kansas League of Municipalities, for the following historical record.

On August 28, 1878, a number of County Clerks met at the office of J. Lee Knight, County Clerk, of Shawnee County. They were in Topeka at the time attending the Republican State Convention. M. P. Jolly, Dickinson County Clerk, was chosen chairman and D. R. Emmons, Wyandotte County Clerk, was elected Secretary. A meeting was scheduled in Topeka on the first Tuesday of September, 1878. Newspaper accounts do not indicate that the meeting was held on that date.

On December 4,1878, a meeting was held In Topeka, and D. R. Emmons, Wyandotte County Clerk, called the meeting to order. J. H. Brown, Bourbon County Clerk, was elected Chairman. Twenty-one County Clerks were present at the meeting. A report was read and adopted concerning the steps necessary in organizing a County Clerks' Association, the report being submitted by a Committee appointed at the meetings in 1878. J. W. Niehaus, Leavenworth County Clerk, was elected President, and It was decided that a special meeting would be held at Topeka on the Third Tuesday of January, 1870.

On January 22, 1879, an adjourned meeting was held at Topeka. In the absence of the President, B. F. Diggs, Douglas County Clerk, was elected Chairman. The meeting continued through January 23rd, at which time it was adjourned to meet at Topeka on call of the President, J. W. Niehaus.

On January 12, 1881, a meeting was held at Topeka, continuing for two days. J. 0. Young, Washington County Clerk, was elected president. The Clerks' Association was officially organized on this date.

Newspaper accounts of the meetings of the Intervening years have not been located, and It would seem that the organization was possibly discontinued for at least part of this time. At 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, January 19, 1887, the Association was called to order again, with Donald N. Burge, Shawnee County Clerk, acting as Chairman. The Association was reorganized during the following two days. E. L. Warwick, Jackson County Clerk, presiding.